Bull Run, VA., July 21, 1861. U.S. Forces under Gen.
McDowell. The battle of Bull run was the first engagement of
consequence in the war. The seizure of Gosport and Harper's Ferry by
the Virginia state troops; the destruction of the Norfolk navy yard;
the Baltimore riots, and the threatening attitude of the Confederates
toward the national capital had aroused general indignation at the
North, and public sentiment clamored for a battle which would crush
the rebellion in its incipiency. "Forward to Richmond" was the slogan
of the Northern newspapers and members of Congress urged the president
and Gen. Scott, the latter being in command of the Union army, to
strike a decisive blow. Virginia, by popular vote, ratified a
secession ordinance on May 23, and the next day Union troops crossed
the Potomac and occupied Arlington Heights and Alexandria. But this
movement was not sufficiently aggressive to satisfy the general demand
for a fight, and when a train of soldiers belonging to Gen. Schenck's
command was ambushed at Vienna Station, and a detachment of Gen.
Butler's forces was defeated at Big Bethel, the fires of patriotism
blazed with a fiercer intensity. When the Federals occupied Alexandria
and Arlington the Confederates fell back to Manassas Junction, about
35 miles from Washington, where Beauregard was assigned to the command
on June 1. Beauregard immediately issued his famous proclamation,
declaring the war cry of the Union army to e "Beauty and Booty," and
called on the surrounding farmers to join his own forces. Some
responded in person, others sent their slaves, and the work of
fortifying a position was commenced. At that time the Confederate Army
of the Shenandoah, commanded by Gen. J.E. Johnston and numbering about
10,000 men, was at Harper's Ferry, threatened by the Union forces
under Gen. Patterson. To favor Patterson's attack on Johnston, by
preventing Beauregard from sending reinforcements to Harper's Ferry, a
movement was planned against the later at Manassas, and on June 3
Scott called on Gen. McDowell, who was in command of the troops south
of the Potomac, to give an estimate of the number of men necessary for
the undertaking. Before the movement could be carried out Johnston
evacuated Harper's Ferry and the order was recalled for the time
being. This action again awakened the public demand for an advance on
the enemy at some point and on the 24th McDowell submitted his plan
for an attack on Beauregard. Five days later this plan was thoroughly
reviewed by a council of war at the Executive Mansion, and was finally
approved by the president and his cabinet, as well as the principal
military officers present. Scott was opposed to assuming the
aggressive just then, for the reason that most of the troops were
three-months men, whose term would expire before any movement of an
extensive nature could be carried through. Notwithstanding these
objections it was decided to make the attack and McDowell was ordered
to have his troops in readiness to begin the advance on July 8.
In proposing his plan of campaign McDowell estimated the
Confederate strength at Manassas at 25,000 men, and asked for 30,000
to take into action, with a reserve of 10,000 more. His greatest fear
seems to have been that Beauregard would be reinforced, for in
presenting his plan he said: "If Gen. J.E. Johnston's force is kept
engaged by Maj.-Gen. Patterson, and Maj.-Gen. Butler occupies the
force now in his vicinity, I think they will not be able to bring up
more than 10,000 men, so we may calculate upon having to do with about
35,000 men." Scott assured him that Patterson would keep Johnston too
busy to permit him to join Beauregard, and added: "If Johnston joins
Beauregard, he shall have Patterson on his heels." Events proved,
however, that Scott was mistaken in his estimate of Patterson as a
military commander. Johnston did join Beauregard, just in the nick of
time, and Patterson was nowhere near his heels. Some delay occurred in
the preparations, so that it was the 16th before McDowell was ready to
move. His army was composed of five divisions. The 1st division,
commanded by Brig.-Gen. Daniel Tyler, consisted of four brigades, the
1st commanded by Col. E.D. Keyers, the 2nd by Brig.-Gen. R.C. Schenck,
the 3rd by Col. W.T. Sherman, and the 4th by Col. I.B. Richardson. The
2nd division was under the command of Col. David Hunter, and was made
up of two brigades, commanded by Cols. Andrew Porter and A.E.
Burnside. The 3rd division, under Col. S.P. Heintzelman, consisted of
three brigades, commanded by Cols. W.B. Franklin, O.B. Willcox and O.O.
Howard. The 4th division, commanded by Brig.-Gen. Theodore Runyon,
was held in reserve and took no part in the engagement. The 5th
division, commanded by Col. S.D. Miles, was also in reserve at
Centerville, and was not in the battle proper, though it was engaged
in skirmishing during the 21st and in covering the retreat of the
army. It was composed of the brigades of Cols. Louis Blenker and T.A.
Davies. With the army were 49 pieces of artillery.
The Confederate Army of the Potomac, commanded by Brig.-Gen. G.T.
Beauregard, consisted of six brigades of Bonham, Ewell, D.R. Jones,
Longstreet, Cocke and Early; the reserve brigade of Holmes; Evans'
command, temporarily organized; two regiments of unattached infantry;
the 30th Va.; ten independent companies of cavalry; and 27 field guns.
The army of the Shenandoah, commanded by Gen. J.E. Johnston, was
composed of four brigades, respectively commanded by Jackson, Bartow,
Bee and E.K. Smith; the 1st Va. cavalry, under J.E.B. Stuart; and 17
pieces of artillery.
As above stated, McDowell marched on the 16th, the men carrying
three days' rations. The next day he drove in the enemy's outposts at
Fairfax C.H., and on the 18th halted at Centerville for his supply
train to come up, so that more rations could be issued. On that day
Tyler made a reconnaissance (see Blackburn's Ford) that developed the
Confederate position and demonstrated that the enemy was in force. The
Confederate line of battle lay along the west side of Bull run and
extended from Manassas Junction to the stone bridge on the Warrenton
turnpike, a distance of about 8 miles. Between the railroad and the
stone bridge were five fords, viz.: Lewis', Ball's, Mitchell's,
Blackburn's and McLean's, from north to south in the order named. Up
to the time of the affair at Blackburn's ford it had been McDowell's
intention to turn the enemy's right, then cross at one of the fords
and attack the center. The roads south of the junction were found to
be unsuitable for a flank movement in that direction, and Tyler's
reconnaissance showed the enemy to be too strong at the fords for the
Union troops to force a passage without suffering heavy losses.
McDowell, therefore, turned his attention to the Confederate left.
During the 19th and 20th he caused his engineers to make a careful
examination of the ground between the two armies, and to gain as much
information as possible of the enemy's position. Two fords were found
above the stone bridge, Sudley ford, the one farthest north, being
unguarded. On Saturday evening, the 20th, McDowell called his officers
together at Centerville and explained his plans for battle on the
succeeding day. Miles was to remain at Centerville with his division
and construct defensive works there to be used in case of emergency;
Richardson's brigade was to be detached from Tyler's division for the
purpose of making a demonstration against Blackburn's ford, to engage
the enemy's attention in the center; the rest of Tyler's division was
to march out on the pike to the stone bridge and threaten the enemy at
that point, while Hunter and Heintzelman were to march with their
divisions to Sudley ford, cross the run and then, turning to the left,
force away the guard from the other ford and the bridge, thus clearing
the way for Tyler to cross and join in the attack on Beauregard's
left. Tyler was instructed to move at 2:30 a.m. and to be in position
to open fire on the bridge at daybreak. His demonstration was to be
sufficiently vigorous to divert attention from Hunter and Heintzelman.
Unfortunately Tyler started behind time and his march was so slow as
to hold back Hunter and Heintzelman for some time. Then the distance
to Sudley ford was about twice as great as had been reported, so that
the run was not crossed until 9:30 instead of 6 o'clock, according to
the original schedule.
The stone bridge was guarded by Evans, who had about a regiment and
a half of infantry and 4 pieces of artillery. Tyler's demonstration
was so feeble that Evans was soon convinced it was only a feint and
that the real attack was to come from some other quarter. About 8
o'clock he heard of the column moving toward Sudley ford. Withdrawing
all his force from the bridge, with the exception of four companies
and 2 guns, he moved to the Sudley road to intercept the flank
movement. This movement of Evans was made without the knowledge or the
orders of his superior officers, but it displayed good military
judgment, and no doubt changed the whole current of battle. He took
up a position north of the Warrenton pike, on a ridge north of Young's
branch, his left resting on the Sudley road. At 10 a.m. the head of
Hunter's column emerged from the woods about a mile north of the pike
and the battle of Bull run was commenced by Burnside's brigade and
Evans' line.
Johnston arrived at Manassas about noon on the 20th with the first
detachment of the Army of the Shenandoah, and, being the ranking
officer, assumed command. Patterson was not "on his heels," as Scott
had promised, but he might arrive at any time, and it was decided to
crush McDowell before Patterson could reinforce him. Beauregard, who
was well acquainted with the ground, proposed a plan of battle, which
was approved by Johnston, and that was to cross Bull run at the fords
below the stone bridge with the whole strength of the combined armies
and attack McDowell at Centerville. The troops were posted with this
view and early on Sunday morning Johnston had written the orders for
an advance, but before they could be carried out the sound of
artillery firing was heard in the direction of the stone bridge. It
was then decided to attack on the right from Blackburn's ford and
assume the defensive on the left. Accordingly orders were given for
Ewell, on the extreme right, to begin the flank movement on
Centerville, the other commands to follow in order to the left, while
the commands of Bee and Bartow were to support Evans. The reserves
were to move without further orders to where the sound of the firing
was heaviest.
When the fighting on the left began, Burnside formed his brigade in
line of battle and moved forward to the support of a battery in the
open field east of the Sudley road. Prompt action on his part would
doubtless have forced Evans from his position, but Evans was quickly
reinforced by part of Bee's command and the opportunity was lost.
Evans was also reinforced by Bartow's brigade and Imboden's battery.
Porter's brigade came to the assistance of Burnside and formed to the
right of the Sudley road, where Griffin's battery of 6 guns could be
brought to bear on the enemy's artillery. Heintzelman also hurried up
his advance regiment and Rickett's battery, and under the attack of
these combined forces the Confederate line broke and fell back in some
confusion about half a mile across Young's branch. The Sudley road
crosses the Warrenton pike about three-fourths of a mile west of the
stone bridge. At the junction of the two roads was a stone house.
About half a mile east, on the south side of the pike, was the
Robinson house, and about the same distance west of the cross-roads on
the north side of the pike was the Dogan house, while further south,
on the east side of the Sudley road, was another dwelling, known as
the Henry house. South of this last was a semicircular wood, extending
from the Sudley road to Young's branch, and between the wood and the
pike was a plateau, over which the Confederates retreated. It was at
this point that Gen. T.J. Jackson received the sobriquet of
"Stonewall." His brigade was in line near the edge of the wood,
waiting for the command to go in, when Bee's men came flying back
across the plateau. "Look!" called out Bee in an attempt to rally his
forces, "Here is Jackson standing like a stone wall! Rally behind the
Virginians!" From that time forth the famous Confederate general was
known as "Stonewall" Jackson, and there are probably thousands of
people who know him by no other name.
This first repulse of the Confederates came about 11:30 a.m. Some
time before this Johnston and Beauregard realized that McDowell's
demonstration on their left was a real attack, the order for the flank
movement on Centerville was recalled, and the troops ordered to the
scene of the conflict. McDowell, who was early on the field, also
ordered up all his available forces to the support of those engaged.
Tyler sent the brigades of Sherman and Keyes across the run at the
ford above the stone bridge, Keyes joining Hunter on the left, while
Sherman moved to the right to the support of Porter, who was still
pressing the enemy down the Sudley road. Along the crest in front of
the wood Jackson, with his five regiments and two batteries, formed a
new line, extending from the Robinson to the Henry house, and behind
this the defeated Confederates were partially rallied. Hampton's
battalion, which had arrived from Richmond that morning, formed on
Jackson's right. Franklin and Willcox joined the Union line on the
right a little afternoon, and Griffin's and Rickett's batteries
secured a position near the Dogan house, where they could enfilade
Hampton's line. About 2 p.m. Keyes made a dashing charge up the hill,
driving Hampton from his position, but was repulsed by the fire of
some batteries which had just been planted farther to the rear. The
whole Federal line now swung around toward the pike, striking Jackson
on the left and forcing him back to the shelter of the woods, where he
concentrated his artillery so as to sweep by a cross fire the whole
open plateau in his front. To counteract this fire Griffin and
Ricketts pushed their batteries forward to the Henry hill, with two
regiments in support. For a brief period there was a lull in the
battle, but before the Union guns were fairly in position men and
horses commenced to fall under a well-directed fire from the
Confederate sharpshooters concealed in the thicket of pines at short
range. The guns were placed, however, and fire opened on the enemy's
lines, driving the sharpshooters from their place of concealment. Here
a mistake occurred that proved to be one of the prime factors in the
defeat of McDowell's army. A regiment approached the batteries from
the right in plain view. Griffin charged his guns with canister and
trained them on the advancing line, when Maj. Barry, chief of
artillery, assured him that it was a regiment coming to his support.
Griffin ordered the gunners to withhold their fire, the regiment
continued to advance until within short musket range, when they
leveled their pieces and with one volley almost annihilated the
batteries. Most of the horses were killed, and those that were left
broke away and went tearing down the hill through the Union lines,
scattering confusion among the troops. The 11th N.Y. (Ellsworth's
zouaves), supporting the batteries, fired one volley and fled, upon
which the Confederates swarmed out of the woods and charged the
batteries, which now became the center of the fight. Jackson's men
seized the guns and tried to drag them away, but were foiled in the
attempt. Arnold's battery was brought to the assistance of Griffin and
Ricketts, but was compelled to withdraw. The Rhode Island battery
poured in a heavy fire from the hill north of Young's branch, fresh
troops on either side were thrown forward and for an hour the battle
raged around the two batteries. Three times the guns were taken and
recaptured and just as victory was about to perch on the Union banner
the remainder of the Confederate Army of the Shenandoah arrived on the
field. Kirby Smith's brigade marched up the Sudley road from Manassas.
Smith was wounded, but Col. Arnold Elzey assumed command and led the
brigade to the left of the Confederate line. About the same time four
regiments from Cocke's and Bonham's brigades came up nearer Bull run,
thus extending the enemy's line in both directions until it overlapped
McDowell's at either end. No more fresh troops could be brought up by
McDowell, while the enemy was now constantly receiving accessions to
his ranks. The guns of Griffin's and Rickett's batteries were in
Jackson's hands, Ricketts was wounded and a prisoner, many of the
Union regiments has exhausted their ammunition, and now at 4:30 p.m.
there was nothing left but to retreat. McDowell made the best
disposition he could to cover the retreat of the army and the word was
passed along the lines to fall back to the old position at
Centerville. The disorder which had been growing in the Federal lines
all the afternoon now reached its climax. Although the Warrenton road
was open to Centerville, a distance of about 4 miles, most of the
troops went back by the same route they had come upon the field in the
morning and made the long detour by way of Sudley ford. With few
exceptions all regimental and brigade formations were entirely lost,
every man being intent on getting to Centerville as soon as possible.
Fortunately for the panic-stricken army of raw troops Johnston and
Beauregard did not press the pursuit to the extent they might have
done. Stuart's cavalry followed, but the rear of the army was fairly
well protected and all the Confederates could do was to pick up a
straggler here and there. Bonham was ordered to move against the
retreating army, but the brigades of Sherman, Schenck and Keyes, which
went by the pike, presented too formidable an appearance and the
pursuit was a tame affair. Bonham followed, however, nearly to
Centerville, where he encountered the brigades of Blenker, Richardson
and Davies, and hurriedly fell back across Bull run.
While the main battle was taking place near the crossing of the
Warrenton pike and the Sudley road a considerable skirmish occurred at
Blackburn's ford. It will be remembered that Richardson was sent here
to make a demonstration to divert attention from McDowell's real
purpose. In the afternoon the Confederates became aware of the
character of this movement and Johnston sent word to D.R. Jones to
cross the run and attack Richardson, in the hope that McDowell would
weaken his forces on the right to strengthen his position at the ford.
Davies was sent to the support of Richardson, and with him was Hunt's
battery. About 4 o'clock Jones crossed at McLean's ford, a short
distance below Blackburn's, with three regiments, and by a flank
movement tried to capture this battery. Davies, from a strong
position, watched the movement until the regiments were beginning to
deploy in line of battle, when he ordered the 6 guns shotted with
canister, and at a distance of 500 yards opened on the advancing
Confederates. One volley was sufficient. The enemy broke and fled, not
stopping until he was safely on the other side of the run. Jones
reported his loss here as 14 killed and 62 wounded. No further
demonstration was made at this point and the Union troops retired
toward Centerville.
The Union losses at Bull run were 460 killed, 1,124 wounded and
1,312 captured or missing. The Confederates lost 387 killed, 1,582
wounded and 13 missing.
Source: The Union Army, Volume 5, Cyclopedia of Battles A - Helena ,
1908 |