Jonesboro, Ga., Aug. 31-Sept. 1, 1864. Armies of the
Tennessee, Cumberland and Ohio. The movement of Sherman's armies to
the south of Atlanta began on Aug. 25. On the morning of the 31st the
Army of the Tennessee, commanded by Maj.-Gen. O.O. Howard, was in
position near Jonesboro; the 4th and 14th corps of the Army of the
Cumberland, commanded by Maj.-Gen. George H. Thomas, and the Army of
the Ohio, under Maj.-Gen. John M. Schofield, were along the line of
the Macon & Western railroad between Jonesboro and Rough and Ready
Station. Hood had learned the position of the Federal forces on the
30th, and that night he sent Hardee's and S.D. Lee's corps to
Jonesboro, with orders to attack Sherman's flank the next morning.
Hardee was in command of the expedition, his corps being temporarily
commanded by Gen. Cleburne. Owing to the fact that Howard occupied the
road on which Hardee wanted to move, it was 2 p.m. before the
Confederates were in a position to attack. Shortly after that hour a
heavy artillery fire was opened along the entire line and a little
later Cleburne advanced to the assault. Hardee had formed his line
with Cleburne on the left and Lee on the right. The former was to turn
the Union right and Lee was to attack vigorously as soon as he heard
the sound of Cleburne's guns. Lee mistook the firing of the
skirmishers on his left for the main attack and advanced his line
before Cleburne became fairly engaged. Hazen's division, which formed
the left of Logan's line, received the brunt of the attack, the enemy
trying to turn the left flank and get between the Union line and the
Flint river. Bryant's brigade of Blair's corps was first sent to
Hazen's assistance and later all of Woods' division was moved to that
part of the line with instructions to charge the Confederates if they
attempted to turn the flank. At the same time Howard called on Thomas
for reinforcements and Carlin's division of the 14th corps was hurried
to the scene of action, but before its arrival the enemy had been
While the main engagement was in progress Kilpatrick, with his
cavalry division, was at Anthony's bridge, a mile and a half below
Howard. Seeing that Howard's right was in danger of being turned,
Kilpatrick dismounted five regiments, posted them behind barricades on
the flank of Cleburne's column, placed his batteries in good positions
and directed them to open fire, while the rest of his command was
ordered to attack. This diversion forced Cleburne to forego his
attempt to turn Howard's flank and turn his attention to Kilpatrick.
Twice he attacked the latter, but each time he was repulsed. A third
effort was more successful and Kilpatrick was forced to retire across
the river. This was done in good order, but with the loss of 2 of his
cannon. Some of the enemy followed over the bridge, but they were met
by the 92nd Ill. mounted infantry, now dismounted, and held in check.
To protect his trains and assist Kilpatrick, Howard ordered Blair to
send Giles A. Smith's division to the bridge. The arrival of this
division turned the tide of battle, the enemy was repulsed with heavy
loss and the 2 guns were recaptured.
The fight lasted about an hour and resulted in complete defeat for
the Confederates at every point. The defeats at Peachtree creek, Bald
Hill, Ezra church and Utoy creek seemed to have dampened the ardor of
the Confederate soldiers, as Lee says in his report: "The attack was
not made by the troops with that spirit and inflexible determination
that would insure success. Several brigades behaved with great
gallantry, and in each brigade many instances of gallant conduct were
exhibited by regiments and individuals; but generally the troops
halted in the charge when they were much exposed, and within easy
range of the enemy's musketry, and when they could do but little
damage to the enemy behind his works, instead of moving directly and
promptly against the temporary and informidable works in their front.
The attack was a feeble one and a failure, with a loss to my corps of
about 1,300 men in killed and wounded."
As soon as Sherman was informed of the result of the action he knew
that he was in possession of Hood's line of communications, and issued
orders for a complete destruction of the railroad, in the expectation
of forcing Hood to evacuate Atlanta and concentrate his forces
somewhere near Jonesboro. Lee's corps was recalled during the night,
leaving Hardee alone at Jonesboro, and upon learning this Sherman
ordered Thomas and Schofield to unite with Howard to surround and
capture Hardee before Hood could reinforce him. Stanley's corps, which
was engaged in destroying the railroad near Rough and Ready, was
hurried forward to Jonesboro; Davis was sent to Howard's left; two
divisions of Blair's corps, with Kilpatrick's cavalry, were ordered to
gain a position on the railroad south of town, and Schofield was to
continue the work of destroying the track, but at the same time follow
up Stanley to support him in an emergency. Hardee had formed his line
to meet an attack from Howard on the west, with Cleburne's division on
the right, sharply refused, Govan holding the angle, Granbury on the
left of Govan, and Lewis to the right and rear. Davis reached the
position assigned him about noon on Sept. 1, and pushed forward Edie's
brigade of Carlin's division to reconnoiter and ground to the
railroad. Edie soon became engaged in a sharp skirmish, but succeeded
in gaining a ridge that commanded the angle in Hardee's line.
Prescott's battery was placed on this ridge, in a position where it
could enfilade a portion of the enemy's line, and in a short time
disabled a number of Hardee's guns. Davis now ordered an assault. Edie
struck the salient and carried it, but owing to the uneven surface of
the ground his supports did not come up in time and he was repulsed
with considerable loss. About 5 p.m. a second advance was made, when
Este's brigade of Baird's division carried the salient. This time the
supports were at hand. Morgan's division swept in from the right and
Carlin's from the left, completely surrounding the Confederates and
capturing Gen. Govan, with nearly all his command. Lewis and Granbury
were forced to fall back and form a new line, though the Confederate
left and center held on to their trenches. Stanley, who had reached
the field about the time Davis made his second assault, now deployed
on the left of Davis, but before any decisive movement could be made
darkness put an end to the conflict. During the night Hardee abandoned
his position and joined the main body of Hood's army at Lovejoy
Station. The Union loss at Jonesboro was about 1,150 men. The enemy
acknowledged a loss of 5,000.
Source: The Union Army, Volume 5, Cyclopedia of Battles,
1908 |