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23rd New
York Infantry
Online Books:
23rd New York
Infantry Soldier
Roster - Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New York For the Year
1893, Volume 20 View the Entire Book
Regimental History |
Twenty-third New York Infantry. — Col., Henry C. Hoffmann; Lieut.-Col., Nirom
M. Crane; Maj., William M. Gregg. The 23d was composed of three companies from Steuben
county, two from Tioga, two from Chemung, one from Alleghany, one from Cortland and one
from Schuyler, and was known as the Southern Tier regiment. It was mustered into the U. S.
service at Elmira on July 2, 1861, for a two years' term, and left the state for
Washington on the 5th. For two weeks it was encamped at Meridian hill, but moved on July
23 to Fort Runyon and on Aug. 5, to Arlington heights, where it remained until Sept. 28.
On Aug. 4, it was assigned to Hunter's brigade; on Oct. 15, to Wadsworth's brigade,
McDowell's division, and in March, 1862, to the 2nd brigade, 3d division, 1st corps, Army
of the Potomac. Its first encounters with the enemy were at Fall's Church, Ball's
cross-roads, and Munson's hill, losing in these engagements 1 man killed and 7 wounded. On
March 10, 1862, the regiment moved to Centerville, but returned after five days to Upton's
hill, proceeded to Bristoe Station and Falmouth and undertook several expeditions with
Falmouth as a base of operations. On June 26, 1862, the regiment was attached to the 3d
brigade, 1st division, 3d corps, Army of Virginia, with which it shared in Gen. Pope's
campaign, being in action at the Rappahannock, Sulphur Springs, Gainesville, and the
second Bull Run. In September, the brigade and division became part of the 1st corps, Army
of the Potomac, and fought at South mountain and Antietam, with a loss to the 23d in the
latter battle of 42 killed, wounded and missing. Until Oct. 20, the regiment encamped at
Sharpsburg, Md., then moved toward Fredericksburg and was closely engaged in the battle
there in December. Winter quarters were established at Belle Plain and on Jan. 9, the
regiment was transferred to Patrick's provost guard brigade, with which it served until
the expiration of its term, stationed at Acquia creek in April and May, 1863. On June 26
the command was mustered out at New York city, having lost 17 by death from wounds and 55
by death from all other causes. |
Regimental history taken from "The Union Army" by Federal Publishing
Company, 1908 - Volume 2
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