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17th New
York Independent Battery
Online Books:
17th New York
Independent Battery Soldier
Roster - Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New York For the Year
1893, Volume 15 View the Entire Book
Regimental History |
Seventeenth New York Independent Battery. — Capt., George T.
Anthony. The 17th, or "Orleans Battery," was recruited and organized at Lockport
in Aug., 1862, and was there mustered into the U. S. service for a term of three years on
Aug. 26. Three days later it left for Washington, where it remained for nearly two years
engaged in garrison duty. On July 6, 1864, it joined the army before Petersburg, and was
attached to the artillery brigade, 18th corps. It was in action at Chaffin's farm and in
1865 took part in the final Appomattox campaign, being active in the final assault on
Petersburg, at Rice's station, Bush river and Appomattox Court House. It was mustered out
at Richmond, Va., under Capt. Anthony, June 12, 1865, having lost 17 men by disease and
other causes. |
Regimental history taken from "The Union Army" by Federal Publishing
Company, 1908 - Volume 2
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