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131st New
York Infantry
Online Books:
131st New York
Infantry Soldier
Roster - Annual Report of the Adjutant General of the State of New York For the Year
1893, Volume 37 View the Entire Book
Regimental History |
One Hundred and Thirty-first New York Infantry. — Cols., Charles S. Turn
bull, Nicholas W. Day; Lieut. -Cols., Charles C. Nott, Nicholas W. Day, W. M. Rexford; Majs., Nicholas W. Day, W. M. Rexford, Aug. C. Tate, Albert Stearns. This regiment, known
as the 1st regiment, Metropolitan Guard, was recruited in New York city under the auspices
of the Metropolitan police, and was mustered into the U. S. service for three years on
Sept. 6, 1862. The 7th N. Y. militia furnished a large number of its officers. It left the
state on Sept. 14, proceeded to Annapolis, Md., and shortly after sailed for Louisiana as
part of the Banks expedition. On its arrival at New Orleans it was assigned to the 1st
brigade, Grover's division, Department of the Gulf, and after the formation of the 19th
corps, to the 1st brigade, 4th (Grover's) division, of that corps. It sustained its first
loss — 3 wounded — in April, 1863, at Irish bend, and was engaged without loss
at Vermillion bayou on the 17th. The following month the investment of Port Hudson was
completed and the 131st participated most honorably throughout the siege of that
stronghold, in which its losses aggregated 21 killed, 88 wounded and 10 missing, most of
its losses being sustained in the assaults of May 27 and June 14. After the surrender of
Port Hudson it was engaged for several months in post and garrison duty, and in various
expeditions and reconnoissances. It lost 55 men killed, wounded and missing at Bayou La
Fourche, and was again engaged at Vermillion bayou in October, and at Carrion Crow bayou,
but meeting with no loss. In the summer of 1864 it left the Department of the Gulf and
joined Gen. Butler's Army of the James at Bermuda Hundred. Shortly after it joined the
Army of the Shenandoah under Gen. Sheridan and participated in his brilliant campaign in
the Valley. In Grover's division, 19th corps, it lost heavily at the battle of the
Opequan, where its casualties amounted to 10 killed and 64 wounded. It was only slightly
engaged at Fisher's hill, but at Cedar creek it again suffered severely, losing 35 killed
and wounded. It subsequently went to North Carolina, where it was attached to the 10th
corps, and in May, 1865, it was ordered to Augusta, Ga. The following month it moved to
Savannah, Ga., and was there mustered out, under Col. Day, July 26, 1865. The regiment
traveled over 10,000 miles by land and water and returned to the state with only 240 out
of 1,000 men with which it entered the service. It lost by death 2 officers and 82
enlisted men killed and mortally wounded; 3 officers and 107 enlisted men died of disease
and other causes; total deaths, 194. |
Regimental history taken from "The Union Army" by Federal Publishing
Company, 1908 - Volume 2
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