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Civil War Soldiers - Wheaton
Wheaton, Frank, brigadier-general,
U.S. Army, was born in Providence, R. I., May 8, 1833. He received his
early education at the public schools of Providence and became a
surveyor. He went to California in 1850 and was employed as a civil
engineer on the Mexican boundaries. In 1855 he was commissioned first
lieutenant in the 1st U. S. cavalry, serving in Kansas and Missouri.
He was in the engagement with the Cheyenne Indians at Wood's river,
near Fort Kearny, Neb., in 1855, at Solomon's fork in 1857, and in the
expedition against the Mormons in 1858. In March, 1861, he received
promotion to the rank of captain. He was on recruiting service in the
East when the 2nd R. I. infantry was mustered into the U. S. service
in July, 1861, and he accepted a commission as lieutenant-colonel of
the regiment, being in the same month made colonel. He fought in the
first battle of Bull Run, served during the Peninsular and Maryland
campaigns, and was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers in Nov.,
1862. He commanded a brigade in the Army of the Potomac in 1863-64,
and a division of the 6th corps up to the surrender of Lee at
Appomattox. He received the brevet of major-general of volunteers for
gallant and meritorious service at the battles of Winchester, Fisher's
hill, and Middletown, Va., and brevets in the regular army to the
grade of major-general for the battles of the Wilderness, Cedar creek
and Petersburg, respectively. Gen. Wheaton was promoted in the regular
army to major of the 2nd cavalry Nov. 5, 1863; lieutenant-colonel of
the 39th infantry July 28, 1866; transferred to the 21st infantry
March 15, 1869; colonel of the 2nd infantry Dec. 15, 1874;
brigadier-general in 1892 and assigned to the command of the
Department of Texas with headquarters at San Antonio. He was retired
May 8, 1897, and died at Washington, D. C., June 18, 1903. Source: The Union Army: A History of Military Affairs in the Loyal
States 1861-1865, Volume 8 Biographical, 1908
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