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Civil War Soldiers - Ruger

Ruger, Thomas H., brigadier-general, U.S. Army, was born at Lima, Livingston county, N. Y., on April 2, 1833. He was graduated at West Point in 1854, and placed in the engineer corps, U. S. A. He resigned on April 1, 1855, after service at New Orleans, La., and practiced law in Janesville, Wis., until June, 1861, when he became lieutenant-colonel of the 3d Wis. regiment. He was made colonel on Aug. 20, and brigadier-general on Nov. 29, 1862, serving in the Rappahannock campaigns, commanding a division at Gettysburg, and helping to put down the draft riots in New York in 1863. He guarded the Nashville & Chattanooga railroad in Tennessee until April, 1864; then led his brigade, under Sherman, until November, and on Nov. 30, 1864, was brevetted major-general of volunteers for services at the battle of Franklin and placed in charge of a division of the 23d corps against Gen. Hoods army in Tennessee. Organizing a division at Nashville, he led it, from Feb. to June, 1865, in North Carolina, and then commanded that department until June, 1866. He was made a colonel in the regular army on being mustered out, July 28, 1866, and on March 2, 1867, was brevetted brigadier-general for services at Gettysburg. He was detailed by Gen. Meade on Jan. 13, 1868, as governor of Georgia, which duty he performed until July of the same year. Gen. Ruger was superintendent of the U. S. military academy at West Point, 1871-76; in command of the Department of the South, 1876-78, having in charge the U. S. troops in South Carolina during the state government troubles, and later was in command of stations in the West and South. He was made a brigadier-general on March 19, 1886. He had charge of the Department of Missouri during April and May, 1886, and took charge of the Department of Dakota in 1888. He was commissioned major- general on Feb. 8, 1895, and was placed upon the retired list, April 2, 1897.

Source: The Union Army: A History of Military Affairs in the Loyal States 1861-1865, Volume 8 Biographical, 1908

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