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Civil War Soldiers - Ripley
Ripley, James W., brigadier-general,
U.S. Army, was born in Windham, Conn., Dec. 10, 1794. He was graduated
at the United States military academy in 1814, served in the war
against Great Britain and in the Seminole war, and was then until the
Civil war engaged in various duties connected with the ordnance
department. He was brevetted lieutenant-colonel in 1848 for
meritorious conduct in the performance of his duty in the prosecution
of the war with Mexico, and was promoted colonel and chief of
ordnance, U. S. A., April 23, 1861. He was brevetted
brigadier-general, July 2, 1861, was promoted brigadier-general and
chief of ordnance on Aug 3, and on March 13, 1865, was brevetted
major-general U. S. A. for long and faithful services in the army. He
was retired from active service, Sept. 15, 1863, and afterwards served
until his death as inspector of armament and fortifications on the New
England coast. He died in Hartford, Conn., March 16, 1870. Source: The Union Army: A History of Military Affairs in the Loyal
States 1861-1865, Volume 8 Biographical, 1908
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