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Civil War Soldiers - Neill
Neill, Thomas H., brigadier-general,
U.S. Army, was born in Philadelphia, Pa., April 9, 1826. He attended
the University of Pennsylvania two years, was then appointed cadet at
the United States military academy, and was graduated there and
appointed brevet 2nd lieutenant in the 4th infantry, July 1, 1847. He
served in the Mexican war, 1847-48, and served then on garrison and
frontier duty until the Civil war, with the exception of the years
1853 to 1857, when he taught drawing at West Point, was later promoted
1st lieutenant, and in 1857 captain. He was during the first part of
the war assistant adjutant-general on the staff of Gen. Cadwalader,
was promoted colonel of the 23d Penn. volunteers, Feb. 17, 1862, and
brigadier-general of volunteers on Nov. 29 of that year. He served
first with the Army of the Potomac, engaging in the siege of Yorktown
and the battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Savage Station and Malvern
hill, was also in the Maryland campaign and at the battle of
Fredericksburg commanded a brigade. He was brevetted major for
gallantry at Malvern hill, won the brevet of lieutenant-colonel for
his action at Chancellorsville, was engaged at Gettysburg after a
forced march of over 35 miles, and took part in the succeeding
operations of the Army of the Potomac until the autumn of 1864,
winning the brevet of colonel for gallant and meritorious services at
Spottsylvania. He commanded the 2nd division, 6th army corps, at Cold
Harbor, June 1, 1864, was acting inspector- general in Sheridan's
Shenandoah campaign, taking part in the battle of Cedar creek and in
several skirmishes, and on March 13, 1865, was brevetted
brigadier-general in the regular army and major-general of volunteers
for gallant and meritorious services in the war. He was mustered out
of the volunteer service, Aug. 24, 1865. He had been promoted major of
the 11th infantry, Aug. 26, 1863, and after the war served with his
regiment at various posts, was a member of the examining board and
subsequently commandant of cadets at the military academy, besides
serving as inspector-general, as commandant of the recruiting station
at Governor's island, N. Y., and on the frontier against Indians. He
was promoted lieutenant-colonel and transferred to the 1st infantry,
Feb. 22, 1869 ; was promoted colonel and transferred to the 8th
cavalry, April 2, 1879, and was retired from the active service, April
2, 1883, for "dis- ability in the line of duty." He died in
Philadelphia, Pa., March 10, 1885.
Source: The Union Army: A History of Military Affairs in the Loyal
States 1861-1865, Volume 8 Biographical, 1908
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