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Civil War Soldiers - Field
FIELD, CHARLES W., Kentucky.
Captain, Corps of Cavalry, C. S. A., March 11, 186l.
Major, Sixth Virginia Cavalry, June — , l86l.
Lieutenant colonel, Sixth Virginia Cavalry, July — , 1861.
Colonel, Sixth Virginia Cavalry, August — , 1861.
Brigadier general, P. A. C. S., March 9, 1862.
Major general, P. A. C. S., February 12, 1864.
Died at Washington, D. C., April 10, 1892.
Brigade composed of the Fortieth, Forty-seventh, Fifty-fifth and
Sixtieth Virginia Regiments Infantry, the Twenty-second Virginia
Battalion of Infantry, and Captain Pegram's Battery of Light
Artillery, A. P. Hill's Division, Jackson's Corps, Army of Northern
Division composed of the brigades of Brigadier Generals Jenkins, Law,
Benning, Anderson, and Gregg, Longstreet's Corps, Army of Northern
Field, Charles William, born in Kentucky, appointed at large cadet
United States Military Academy, July 1, 1845; graduated twenty-seventh
in a class of forty-three.
Brevet second lieutenant, Second Dragoons, July 1, 1849.
Second lieutenant, June 30, 1851.
Regimental quartermaster, September 9, 1853, to March 3, 1855.
First lieutenant, March 3, 1855.
Captain, January 31, 1861.
Resigned May 30, 1861.
Source: Military Records of General Officers of the Confederate
States of America, by Charles B. Hall, 1898
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