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Civil War Soldiers - Deitzler
Deitzler, George W.,
brigadier-general, U.S. Army, was born in Pine Grove, Pa., Nov. 30,
1826, was educated in the district schools and removed to Kansas in
1855, becoming there one of the leaders of the conservative Free State
party. In March, 1855, he was sent east by Gov. Robinson, and obtained
from the emigrant aid company an order for 100 Sharp's rifles, which
he brought back to Lawrence in boxes labeled "books." In May, 1856, he
was arrested, with other leaders of the Free State party, indicted for
treason and thrown into prison, but was set at liberty on Sept. 10. He
was elected to the state legislature in 1857 and chosen speaker, was
reelected in 1859, and in 1861 was appointed Indian agent by President
Lincoln, the appointment being withdrawn, however, on account of
opposition by Senator James H. Lane, before it came before the senate
for confirmation. At the outbreak of the Civil war he organized the
1st Kan. volunteers, of which he became colonel, June 5, 1861, and was
commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers Nov. 29, 1862, for
bravery at Wilson's creek, where he commanded a brigade. He resigned
from the volunteer army on account of ill health, Aug. 22, 1863, and
in 1864 was made major-general of Kansas militia. Subsequently he
served as mayor of Lawrence and treasurer of the board of regents of
the University of Kansas. He died at Tucson, Ariz., April 11, 1884,
from injuries sustained in a fall from his carriage. Source: The Union Army: A History of Military Affairs in the Loyal
States 1861-1865, Volume 8 Biographical, 1908
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