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Civil War Soldiers - Busteed
Busteed, Richard, brigadier-general, U.S. Army, was
born in Cavan, Ireland, Feb. 16, 1822, son of George Washington
Busteed, emancipationist, colonel in the British army, and afterwards
barrister in Dublin, who moved to London, Canada, where he published a
paper called the "True Patriot." Richard Busteed worked as a boy as
compositor for his father, afterwards following this vocation in
Cincinnati, Ohio, Hartford, Conn., and New York city, where he also
engaged in preaching for a while by license of the Methodist church.
He was admitted to the bar in 1846, was corporation counsel of New
York city from 1856 to 1859, and supported Douglas for president in
1860. He was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers and served at
Yorktown, but handed in his resignation, March 10, 1863, fearing that
his sentiments on the slavery question would prevent the appointment
being confirmed by the senate. He was appointed United States district
judge for Alabama in 1864, making decisions while in that office which
were afterwards confirmed by the supreme court, and in 1874 resigned
to resume his law practice in New York. He died in New York city,
Sept. 14, 1898.
Source: The Union Army: A History of Military Affairs in the Loyal
States 1861-1865, Volume 8 Biographical, 1908
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